The practice is most useful for obtaining dry wood from the inside of logs for the purpose of fire making. The batoning method can be used to make kindling or desired forms such as boards, slats or notches. Main article: Batoning The technique of cutting or splitting wood by using a baton-sized stick or mallet to repeatedly strike the spine of a sturdy knife, chisel or blade in order to drive it through wood. Main article: Autoignition temperature The lowest temperature at which a substance will spontaneously ignite in a normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition, such as a flame or spark. Main article: Auto reignition A process used in gas burners to control ignition devices based on whether a burner flame is lit. It is the deliberate setting of fires for personal, monetary or political gain.
Main article: arson The crime of intentionally or maliciously lighting structures, wildland areas, cars or other property on fire. Main article: amadou A spongy, flammable substance prepared from bracket fungi.